Before you consider treating your pond with biological or chemical products it is important to test the water for nutrients and chemical composition. Once you have this benchmark information it will be more effective to make application adjustments according to your goals. How often should you test the water?  Once you initiate a treatment program I would suggest testing every four weeks to collect data that can be graphed and reviewed.

This is our testing format based on general acceptable limits:

Dissolved Oxygen                                              grreater than 4.0mg/liter at the pond bottom

Alkalinity (CaCO3)                                            50-200 ppm

Hardness                                                             100-400 ppm

pH                                                                         6.5 – 9.5   measured over 24hrs and averaged

Phosphorous (phosphate)                               0.01-0.3 ppm

Ammonia (NH3)                                                0.0 – 0.25 ppm

Nitrite                                                                   less than 1.o ppm     for most ponds with fish

Nitrate                                                                  less than 0.2 ppm

It is very seldom that the water chemistry of any two ponds will be the same.  Once you establish a baseline for your pond, being proactive is easier and usually more cost effective. Avoid turning your beautiful pond into a science experiment.