• Microbe Lift PBL is a probiotic bacteria that consist of live cells which will rapidly reduce nitrate, ammonia, and odors caused by hydrogen sulfide gas. We have used this product to remediate ponds and stabilize filter for over 20 years. Microbe Lift PBL is an excellent product to help treat and manage toxic Cyanobacteria blue-green harmful algae blooms. Five gallons will treat approximately one surface acre of pond water with a moderate nutrient load.    
  • National Pond Service Probiotic Pond Bacteria is formulated to reduce organic material that settles to the bottom of your pond and contributes to unwanted plant growth and poor water clarity. For more than 20 years we have researched and field-tested a variety of dry spore-based bacteria products and can recommend to you when and how to use this product to obtain the best reduction results. To further help you improve your pond condition we include with your purchase:
    • A growth chart showing how our pond bacteria progress and when to apply for best results
    • Information on how to measure the efffectiveness of dry spore bacteria
    • A general purpose application guide for each month of use
    • A FREE water test kit valued at $89.00
      Before you start the process of removing organic materials from the pond bottom it is wise to benchmark the water chemistry and nutrient level within the pond. Pond water nutrient levels can be influenced by surface run-off from fertilized lawns, agricultural fields, decaying leaves or the absence of  aquatic plants.  A second test of the pond water after applying the probiotic bacteria will provide you with two data points to determine if progress is being made and conditions are improving.   We are always available to answer your questions and share experiences based on the pond service work we do.
  • Microbe-Lift/SA is designed to reduce and digest soft organic material that settles to the bottom of your pond. For large ponds, this offers owners an option to draining and dredging. For garden ponds with rocks placed on the bottom, use Microbe-Lift SA to reduce fish waste and dead plant material that creates the nutrients nuisance aquatic plants and harmful algae blooms need to grow. We have used this product for more than 20 years and have yet to find anything better at reducing soft organic material. MICROBE-LIFT/Sludge-Away may, for a short period of time, slightly discolor pond water. Rocks near the edge of your pond may become darker, but will soon return to their natural color.
    • Provides quick, natural sludge and muck removal
    • Use Microbe-Lift SA to help treat and manage cyanobacteria blue-green algae blooms
    • 80% faster than competitive products
    • Binds phosphate
    • Microbial and organic based
    • Safe for plants, pets, and fish
    • Formulated to help improve the clarity of your pond
    • 100% active ingredients
    • Disperses quickly
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