20 02, 2023

The Facts About Cyanobacteria: What You Need to Know


Cyanobacteria also known as blue-green algae is a bacteria class that obtains its energy through a process known as photosynthesis. For this type of bacteria to grow there need to be certain environmental conditions. It can be found in any type of water (fresh, brackish, or marine). Typically, they are [...]

The Facts About Cyanobacteria: What You Need to Know2023-04-20T19:57:20-04:00
26 01, 2023

What is Cyanobacteria Blooms?


If you have a pond near your home or business, you probably know the challenges of having a standing water feature and the aesthetic benefits that come with it. Cyanobacteria bloom is a problem that can arise mainly during hot summer months but can happen almost any time. These harmful [...]

What is Cyanobacteria Blooms?2023-01-12T10:25:38-05:00
10 01, 2023

Cyanobacterial Blooms – What Are They & How to Test for Them


Cyanobacteria is an organism that over two billion years ago played a key role in turning a poor oxygen planet into the oxygen-rich atmosphere that we live in today. These organisms live and thrive in photosynthesis. That is the ability to take in sunlight and turn it into sugars and [...]

Cyanobacterial Blooms – What Are They & How to Test for Them2023-01-10T12:44:15-05:00
29 06, 2022

Backyard Pond Cyanobacteria Bloom Treatment | Pond Maintenance


We received a call from a customer who was concerned about a strange looking algae on her pond. After looking at the pictures she sent I suggested to stay away from the water and keep their dog from getting in the pond. Since their house is close to the edge [...]

Backyard Pond Cyanobacteria Bloom Treatment | Pond Maintenance2022-11-07T10:47:59-05:00
22 04, 2021

Blue Green Algae in Ponds | Treating Cyanobacteria Harmful Algae Blooms


As the weather gets warmer you may see blue-green algae forming in your pond. This blue-green algae may be caused by toxic cyanobacteria. This noxious form of aquatic growth can be extremely harmful to aquatic life, including fish, as well as children, pets, and farm animals who come into contact [...]

Blue Green Algae in Ponds | Treating Cyanobacteria Harmful Algae Blooms2021-04-22T12:35:54-04:00
9 02, 2021

Oxygen Depletion and Pond Aeration


LOW OXYGEN AND POND AERATION William A. Wurts, State Specialist for Aquaculture Kentucky State University Cooperative Extension Program www.ca.uky.edu/wkrec/Wurtspage.htm Water can only hold a limited amount of oxygen. That is determined by atmospheric pressure, temperature and salinity. In a natural setting, oxygen is added to water by atmospheric diffusion at [...]

Oxygen Depletion and Pond Aeration2021-04-22T13:16:09-04:00
8 02, 2021

Treating Blue-Green Algae Blooms in Your Pond


Toxic Blue-Green Algae Blooms in your pond - also known as  Harmful Cyanobacteria Algae Blooms - can happen in your pond when  surface temperature increases and excessive nutrients are available. Cyanobacteria is a prehistoric life form and is rather fascinating because it  has the ability to make it's own food [...]

Treating Blue-Green Algae Blooms in Your Pond2021-04-22T13:08:13-04:00
3 02, 2021

Cyanobacteria Harmful Algae Blooms Can Kill Your Pet


Cyanobacteria Harmful Algae Blooms (cyanoHABs) are occurring more often and in water bodies that use to be safe for dogs.  It's not easy to determine if the cyanobacteria bloom is toxic by just looking at the water, laboratory testing is required.  Assume it's toxic and keep your dog away if [...]

Cyanobacteria Harmful Algae Blooms Can Kill Your Pet2023-01-10T12:42:57-05:00
27 10, 2020

Dangerous Algal Blooms Becoming More Common


REPORT: Sounding the Toxic Algae Alarm NC Health News Reports: Swallowing or swimming in water during a dangerous bloom can produce skin rashes, liver injury and neurological changes. Toxic algae metabolites can also harm or kill pets and livestock. The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality confirmed the presence of [...]

Dangerous Algal Blooms Becoming More Common2021-02-10T15:56:16-05:00
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